Empowered Living & Source Connection

Womb Presence is a compilation of embodied movement practices, somatic therapy, depth meditations and free form dance journeys designed to strengthen connection to the womb centre, ignite creative intelligence and invite healing, presence and power into your life

This work is designed to support you to:

  • Embrace your sensuality and embody your essence

  • Increase capacity for grounded, rooted pelvic presence and stabilise your nervous system

  • Shift the axis of intelligence from over-reliance on the intellect to one that includes body wisdom, heart intelligence and womb gnosis

  • Integrate trauma and develop somatic practices to resource daily life

  • Take a journey into vibrant creative expression and command of your energies

  • Cleanse & tonify your inner womb space, increase confidence and lift vitality

  • Bring your truth and creative gifts into form

All of us enter the world through the gateway of the human body and we all innately know womb consciousness

Our bodies are created through the generative intelligence of the womb and we can experience ourselves as belonging to the web of life directly through our connection to this powerful energy source

It is a vessel of magnificent creative force, dreaming, gnosis, intuition and truth

Modern culture has moved many of us out of right relationship with the womb centre and through that disconnect we have lost access to a wellspring of energy that is highly rejuvenating, supportive and wise

The practices include pathways to

  • Balance feminine & masculine principles within and harness androgynous energy

  • Embody sexuality and encourage the free flow of libido and life force through the body

  • Anchor in the root, open the heart and connect to the cosmic forces

  • Experience the wisdom, wildness and compassionate nature of the womb

  • Shed shame and fear

  • Recognise freeze responses and regulate your nervous system

  • Expand capacity for pleasure and joy

  • Explore womb-centric movement journeys to enliven vital energy and authentic expression

1:1 Sessions

1:1 sessions can focus upon a range of areas such as:

  • In depth connection to core and sexual centres

  • Womb healing and trauma release

  • Birthing of creative projects

  • Removal of blockages in sexual organs and flow of libido

  • Revival of passion, desire and sensuality

  • Pelvic presence and root stabilisation

  • Life cycle transition support such as motherhood, peri menopause, menopause

  • Life cycle historical healing eg. repatterning menarche experience, birth trauma, power loss

  • Initiatory experience of menopause and the associated internal rewiring, historical healing and embrace of the new chapter of embodied sexuality

Usually we engage with a specific intention or issue over a series of 3 or 6 sessions with flexible pacing as required and recommended to be completed within 2 - 4 months.

For more information, any query or to book a session please email Here

Upcoming womb centric sessions

The Living Womb - women’s circle in Mullingar, Saturday 28th September 2024

Becoming Visible - one day retreat in Galway, Friday October 11th 2024

Sacred - the dance of desire, a 3 module committed ongoing group beginning in November 2024.

For more information on upcoming day retreats and workshops that are womb-centric please go to our calendar page

Carol works as a counsellor, somatic womb practitioner, movement therapist and Open Floor dance meditation teacher in Ireland. She is a fully accredited member of the IACP (Irish Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists), and ICMTA (International Conscious Movement Teachers Association) and has been facilitating specific womb-centric movement, meditation and somatic practices for 10 years within her larger body of teaching and practice work.

To support this she draws from 23+ years of continual study, training and facilitation of embodiment practices, body work, therapy, energy medicine and womb shamanism. Carol is a working member of the Embodied Sexuality Circle at Open Floor International.

Womb Presence workshops, 1:1 sessions & retreats take place in person and online internationally.

This work is open to all who are called to it, regardless of age, stage of cycles or physical womb situation. We work with the primordial energy of the womb centre and the energetic current of the feminine principle to bring balance and harmonisation of forces which have been suppressed by the overculture and are accessible to all beings.